Lately, I have been getting in these little rants about the "jobs" that some work-at-home moms are taking. Most, are nothing short of piece work, paying as low as a penny. These women are targeted by companies, because they know women routinely undervalue their skills.
Research seems to bear this out: "There are 10.5 million women-owned businesses in the United States today, yet only 3%, or 250,000, generate a million dollars or more in annual revenue." source: The M3 RACE
EnterThe Association of Work at Home Women . Founded by Carrie Wilkerson, known as the Barefoot_Exec, this association attempts to fill in the gaps that many associations has left. Many of the other sites tended to undermine the value of women business owners by partnering with those that wanted to exploit them.
What Makes AWHW Different?
1. It is for women: Many of the other sites are for anyone who hangs out a shingle.
2. Economical: Some of the other sites price the new business owner, or aspiring business owner out of the market. AWHW offers 3 levels of membership at prices to fit any budget. Those sites that were free came at the expense of non-ending spam.
3. Offers REAL information: The SBA can handle whatever is going on in DC, but what business owners REALLY want to know is how to balance their life, be taken seriously as a business, or what structure is best for them.
4. Opportunities to connect with others: A one-person show is tough no matter how you go, but the needs of a work-at-home woman are different, particularly if there are children in the home. With the AWHW, there is the sounding board that many have craved.
5. Practical: One of the things about Carrie Wilkerson (Barefoot_Exec) is she does things with integrity and excellence. This is not JUST another organization. By looking at her other sites, reading her newsletters, and listening to her interviews; one thing is crystal clear, Carrie has a heart for mentoring women. She has gathered some of the best to help build this organization, so that it serves the needs of work-at-home moms.
6. It's tax deductable. YES!!
Watch this Movie and answer the question: Do You Deserve More?
Why joining is a No-brainer
1. The founder is one of you. She has been a work-at-home mom for over 10 years.
2. She is successful at it. There is a difference in how a person speaks when it is coming from the place of experience. You can spend your time on sites put up by nameless, faceless people or you can align yourself with the proven.
3. For the price that the AWHW is charging on a monthly basis, you can't buy a month's worth of Starbucks. But the value of the content which is being provided far EXCEEDS what she is asking.
For Example:
A. Printed Newsletter (Imagine that, something you can touch, and go back to without doing a google search)
B. Online only content (For those who need more, you get it online)
C. A Directory filled with contacts (Just think of how many rubber chicken dinners that saved you)
D. Forums: This is your place to connect, without the penny-a-piece offers that someone has put in trying to recruit others. Consider it your space.
In short, AWHW is for any woman who is tired of working in isolation or being taken advantage of by clients because there was no place to ask questions. It is time to be a part of something positive for women. Quite frankly, this Association was long overdue.YOU deserve more!.