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The New Stuff

How We Limit Our Money Supply

"A man will remain a ragpicker as long as he has only a ragpicker's
• Why go thru life exhibiting the traits of an underling? If you are a
real man, don't go around looking like a beggar,, talking like a
beggar, acting like a beggar.
• Only by thinking prosperity and abundance can you realize the
abundant, prosperous life.
• Fixing limitation upon ourselves is one of the cardinal sins of
• Prosperity flows only through channels that are wide open to
receive it. Doubt, fear and lack of confidence close these channels.
• A pinched mind means a pinched, limited supply.
• Everything we get in life comes through the gateway of our thought.
If that is pinched, stingy, mean, what flows to us will correspond.

WHAT would you think of a prince, the heir to a kingdom of limitless wealth and
power, who should live in the condition of a pauper, who should go about the world
bemoaning his hard fate and telling people how poor he was, saying that he didn't
believe his father was going to leave him anything, and that he might as well make up
his mind to a life of poverty and limitations?

You would say, of course, that he must be insane, and that his hard conditions, his
poverty and limitations, were not actual, but imaginary; that they existed only in his
mind; that his father was ready to load him with good things, with all that his heart
desired, if he would only open his mind to the truth and live in the condition befitting a
prince, the son and heir of a great king.

Now, if you are living in pinching poverty, in a narrow, cramped, limited
environment in which there seems to be no hope, no outlook for better things; if you
are not getting what you want, though working hard for it, you are just as foolish as
the prince who, believing that he was poor, lived like a pauper in the midst of his
father's limitless wealth. Your limitations are in your mind, just as the prince's were in
his. You are the child of a Father who has created abundance, limitless wealth, for all
of His children, but your pinched, limited, poverty-stricken thought shuts you out from
all this abundance and keeps you in poverty.

This is an excerpt from "Prosperity" by Orison Swett Marden