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The New Stuff

9 Guest Blogging Tips For Good Guest Bloggers

First of all what is Guest Blogging? Guest Blogging is a way to get free traffic and exposure on your site and articles. Guest Blogging has become a very popular way for bloggers to get their name out there. To be a Great Guest Blogger you must have goals and work hard to achieve the best results every time.
When posting an article to someone else's Blog you must remember, that the post you made must be beneficial to YOU. The article must WORK for you, bringing you traffic and exposure maybe even money who knows.
Use the following tips to become The Best Guest Blogger.
1. GOALS- You must know your goals. Note them down, what you want to get from guest blogging - more readers, traffic, publicity etc. Find the blogs that are related to your niche. Study those blogs and read the articles that are posted on that site, see how the readers have responded to those articles. Then analyze the information and see if that works with your Goals. And when you know what you want, then get started.
2. Let your Blog to the work- When you wish to do a Guest post, then let your blogs URL do the talking. Let the person who owns the blog you want to post on see your Blog. Because your Blog will show your writing habits, your social network, blogging skills and topical interest. Don't forget to make your About page easy to find. That will make it easier for your post to get accepted. And if you don't own a blog, make sure you reference it to some other article you have created.
3. Experience - Don't be shy about your previous posts or articles. Make them noticeable. They will be you recommenders. They will show your blogging skills. When you want publicity to your site you need to show your skills.
4. Be Yourself -No one wants articles that are already posted somewhere. Write your own articles and give it your 100% so that the result will be perfect. You want to share your OWN viewpoints about certain topics. Write things that you truly know and feel comfortable writing about. Write about you PASSION your EXPERIENCE.
5. NICHE - If you are good in some niches example tech, marketing etc... write about that. And write to the top blogs in that niche. No need to write about things that are not in your niche because if you are strong in one niche that will do. You don't need to go out and discover the universe. Start slowly and write about things you know.
6. UNIQUENESS - Add a special image to you post/article that makes an impact. If you have special images that you have created or someone you know did it, then add it to your article that will make in unique. Avoid using FREE images, photos etc. Unique photos related to your article can create an impact. Use different styles italic,Bold, Bold and italic, underlined and italic or just underlined use different headers (H1, H2, H3...) to create a high impact post. That will make the readers go WOW and they will sure to remember your article maybe even bookmark it or share it with their friends.
7. BE ACTIVE - Your job is not over when the article is publishes, then the real work begins. You need to interact with the readers and answer their questions post comments under the article etc. Keep the discussion going. Submit your article URL to social bookmarks, Stumbleupon, HubPages, Digg, Delicious, tweet it, facebook it etc get people to read your article.
8. BE SMART- Be smart when you blog and comment. Top blogs have a variety of different readers that will analyze your article and post their comments, be wise when you reply to those comments. Because there are a lot of different opinions out there and most of them are not the same as your opinion. Prepare your answers wisely. Don't post wrong facts, ill informed views about the subject you are writing about, because that will can backfire really easy and fast.
9. FEEDBACK and FOLLOW-UP ARTICLE - If your first article got good response and people liked it, then prepare another follow-up article. Firstly the host will accept your new article easier and the readers are looking forward to your new article. But before posting the new article you must wait at least a week.
These are just a few steps and tips of becoming a Good Guest Blogger. Eventually when you blog enough these skills will come. But never over do it. Be natural and BE YOURSELF. - Guest blog about anything on your mind!
Author: Tony Urm